A third generation California farmer, Troy Regier, his wife Sherrylyn and their three daughters live on their 10 acre farm in Dinuba.
Troy's grandfather was part of the Mennonite farmer migration from Nebraska to central California in the early 1930s. Daniel Regier purchased land in Dinuba and farmed grapes, grain and corn. In 1971, Troy's dad, Jim Regier, purchased 20 acres five miles away from the original farm, planted peach trees, built a packing shed, and sold his crop through commercial brokers. Low prices resulted in several unprofitable years, forcing Jim to explore other marketing options. When Troy was a junior in high school (1983) he started selling Regier Peaches at the Santa Monica Farmers Market. Once his family saw the financial benefits of direct marketing, the Regier family jumped on the farmers market bandwagon.
Troy is a sustainable farmer. He uses no chemical fertilizers, and employs kelp spray, local gypsum, and local dairy manure. Rather than using chemical pesticides, pest-specific pheromone disruptors hang in Troy's trees to interrupt the life cycle of pests. Troy has two water options and prefers to use snow melt water from the Sierra Nevadas during the summer because it has more minerals and less nitrogen than the ground water pumped from beneath his farm.

Dinuba, CA
Field Grown
Citrus - Tangerines, Stone Fruit - Apricots, Stone Fruit - Nectarines, Stone Fruit - Peaches