Chip Beckett began farming in 1973 when his parents bought the Old Cider Mill in the town of South Glastonbury, CT.
With the help of his daughter and third generation farmer Leah, he now cultivates 33 acres of yellow tomatoes, asparagus, peppers, and a selection of fruits and berries. Unique to the farm, rows of crops are lined with plastic, which helps with weeds, locks in fertilizer, and helps retain more water. Beckett also utilizes integrated pest management techniques (IPM) to minimize chemical sprays and allow the farm's natural ecosystem to flourish.
In addition to farming, Chip also practices "mixed animal" veterinary medicine, offering both traditional veterinary medicine as well as complimentary alternative medical approaches, such as acupuncture and chiropractic treatments.
Beckett Farms is a sight to see: complete with huge blooming trees, rows of beautiful vegetation, and grazing horses. Their CSA business is the next evolution for the farm, which allows people to see and share what they do with their productive land and good weather.

Glastonbury, CT
Field Grown
Asparagus, Assorted Fruits, Berries, Peppers, Peppers - Bell, Tomatoes - Yellow